Club of Royston
President: Derek Pinner
The   Rotary   Club   of   Royston   lends   money   to   entrepreneurs   in   various   parts   of   the   world   where   most   good   can   be   done.     Imagine   a   young farmer   in   Rwanda   who   has   a   small   farm   of   only   two   acres.     He   realises   that   he   would   be   far   more   successful   if   he   could   buy   another   two acres   but   he   does   not   have   the   cash.     He   goes   to   the   Microfinance   Institution   in   his   local   town,   they   have   a   look   at   his   scheme   and   agrees that   it   is   a   good   idea   and   promise   to   raise   the   funds   on   condition   that   he   attends   classes   to   learn   how   to   handle   his   money   and   to   farm   his land most economically. The   Microfinance   Institution   then   applies   to   Lend   with   Care   who   then   shows   the   loan   on   their   website   and   asks   for   offers   to   lend   part   of   the amount   required.   We,   and   many   other   lenders,   then   make   their   offers   and   the   amount   lent   is   taken   from   our   account.     The   amount requested   by   the   entrepreneurs   is   usually   in   the   range   of   £200   to   £5000.       Our   contribution   is   usually   £200.       As   the   entrepreneur   pays back the loan month by month so it is paid back into our account and when there is sufficient we can make another loan to someone else. We   made   our   first   loan   in   February   2013   and   in   the   last   10   years   we   have   made   loans   to   over   12   dozen   people.   The   Club   only   put   £4,077 into   our   lend-with-care   account   but   with   the   repayments   that   have   been   made   and   re-lent,   our   total   lending   amounts   to   £28,000.       Our money has been used six times over! Shown   below   are   a   representative   sample   of   entrepreneurs   that   Royston   Rotary   has   supported.     Please   click   on   any   of   these   to   see further details or for the complete list click here.
Fortunate Sazola Milton rene Velez cordero Sarin San Bui thi Loan Makoka Group Hoang anh Thien Bui duc Ngoc Syed Awais Fatima Mahameed Jenefer Llaguno Sophal Kuy Eduard Nzabakurikiza Jom'a Awad Chann Set Sa leab Soum Showers of Blessing Rotary Club Co-ordinator Neil Guttridge
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