Club of Royston
President: Derek Pinner
The   Royston   Rotary   Club   is   very   fortunate   to   have   the   benefit   of   a magazine,   The   Royston   Rotarian,   which   is   distributed   monthly   to   all Club   members,   widows   and   widowers   of   past   members   and   to   the district   governor.       Containing   up   to   20   pages   of   news   and   articles   of interest   to   the   Club   it   is   always   eagerly   awaited   by   all   members.     The Club President is traditionally a regular contributor to the magazine. The   Rotarian   has   been   produced   since   1998   and   is   now   in   excess   of 20   volumes.     It   is   meticulously   edited   and   assembled   by   Di   Charles   but relies heavily upon members contributing articles, news, jokes etc. In   both   2004   and   2010   the   Royston   Rotarian   magazine   won   the   ‘Best in   District’   award   and   In   2019   enabled   the   club   to   win   the   “Best   PR Campaign” award in Rotary District 1260. For   much   of   2020   and   2021   we   produced   an   electronic   version   of   the Rotarian   so   that   it   could   be   distributed   to   members   at   zero   printing   and postage cost.
The Royston Rotarian Magazine - Editor Di Charles
External Rotary Sites