This part of the Rotary Club of Royston website provides access to the policies and standards that we aim to abide by. It is here for members of the Club to use as a reference source in undertaking their duties, events and having fun.It is also available to the general public to see how we meet these policies and standards in a transparent way. If you think that we have not, then please contact the President for the year. We are not infallible and try to do our best.Our motto is “Service Above Self”. If you find that you are sympathetic with these aims and want to know more about Rotary then contact any one of us. We are non-secular and embrace all in our community.We try to adhere to the four-way test:Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned?Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIP? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?The following link will take you to the Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland (GBI) website page which contains links to information about Health & Safety, Equality & Diversity, Safeguarding, (i.e. Protection Policy), Data Protection, Insurance, Club Constitutions and By-laws, and procedures for determining disputes. Note: Access to Rotarians onlyRotary GBI Compliance Documents (link)