With ageing demographics in the developed world, there is an increasing number of people with memory difficulties and greater pressure on their carers. What is needed is welcoming support and respite to both, within our community, understanding of their difficulties.The concept of a Memory Café has been around since the late 1990’s and has developed in Europe, Australia and the USA. It provides a place where any member of the public, who feel that they, or a person they know, and may have a short-term memory problem, can drop in without any appointment and talk to a volunteer. We aim to provide strong levels of stimulation for our guests and an opportunity for carers to exchange experiences and information. We encourage peer interaction and social contact with fun, games, singing, current topics of interest so that friendships can develop. This informal setting provides emotional support and also reduces the isolation felt by people with dementia, their carers and families.We are committed to achieving the best quality of life for our guests. We want to enable people with dementia to maintain the maximum possible level of independence to remain in their home environment. Just as importantly we try to provide help and comfort to their carers.Typically we will have tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat followed by something of interest such as Lotto, songs from the musicals, reminiscence boxes, poems, flower arranging, arts and crafts. We have been entertained by the Hand Bell Ringers, the U3A Ukulele Band, Wimpole Home Farm. and visits from Spider the Caring Dog. We are grateful for support from the local community and Tesco who have provided time, money and resources to the Cafe.