Club of Royston
President: Derek Pinner
Rotary Club of Royston Trust Fund - Registered Charity Number 1123456
Annual Swimathon - Organiser Jean Green
This   annual   event   is   an   important   feature   of   the   Royston   Rotary   Club’s   year.     It   incorporates   a   great   deal   of   fun   for   the   teams   who   participate as well as raising funds for both the participant’s and for Rotary charities. This year the Swimathon’s nominated charity is Carers in Hertfordshire. You   have   an   opportunity   to   donate   50%   of   the   sponsorship   money   raised   by   your   team   to   your   own   chosen   charity   or   dedicate   it   towards your   own   in-house   project.     The   remaining   50%   will   be   split   equally   between   the   Rotary   Club   of   Royston   Charity   Fund   and   Carers   in Hertfordshire. Our   next   Swimathon   is   booked   for   15th   October   2023   between   18:00   and   21:00   at   Royston   Leisure   Centre,   Woodcock   Road,   Royston, SG8 7XT All ages welcome Teams   can   have   up   to   6   members   who   swim   in   relay   for   55   minutes The   aim   is   for   each   team   to   swim   as   many   lengths   as   possible   in   the   55 minutes   available.   Each   team   member   to   have   sought   sponsors   for   the   number   of   lengths   the   team   (not   the   individual)   completes.   In   so doing we hope we will raise a useful sum of money for all our chosen charities and projects. This   is   not   a   race   and   no   team   or   individual   is   being   asked   to   swim   an   unduly   long   distance.   The   event   involves   each   team   swimming continuously   for   55   minutes,   one   member   only   of   the     team   being   in   the   water   at   a   time.   There   are   no   hard   and   fast   rules   about   how   a   team should   organise   itself   -   some   may   like   to   swim   a   length   in   turn,   others   might   want   to   split   the   time   amongst   them.     All   we   ask   is   that inexperienced   or   out-of-condition   swimmers   do   not   exceed   their   capacity.     More   details   can   be   obtained   by   email   from   the   Swimathon Organisers HERE. The Swimathon entry form can be downloaded here, and the sponsorship form downloaded her e
This   annual   event   is   an   important   feature   of   the   Royston   Rotary   Club’s   year.     It   incorporates   a   great   deal   of   fun   for   the   teams   who   participate as well as raising funds for both the participant’s and for Rotary charities. This year the Swimathon’s nominated charity is Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust. You   have   an   opportunity   to   donate   50%   of   the   sponsorship   money   raised   by   your   team   to   your   own   chosen   charity   or   dedicate   it   towards your   own   in-house   project.     The   remaining   50%   will   be   split   equally   between   the   Rotary   Club   of   Royston   Charity   Fund   and   Carers   in Hertfordshire. Our   next   Swimathon   is   booked   for   Sunday   20th   October   2024   between   18:00   and   22:00   at   Royston   Leisure   Centre,   Woodcock   Road, Royston, SG8 7XT All ages welcome Teams   can   have   up   to   6   members   who   swim   in   relay   for   55   minutes The   aim   is   for   each   team   to   swim   as   many   lengths   as   possible   in   the   55 minutes   available.   Each   team   member   to   have   sought   sponsors   for   the   number   of   lengths   the   team   (not   the   individual)   completes.   In   so doing we hope we will raise a useful sum of money for all our chosen charities and projects. This   is   not   a   race   and   no   team   or   individual   is   being   asked   to   swim   an   unduly   long   distance.   The   event   involves   each   team   swimming continuously   for   55   minutes,   one   member   only   of   the     team   being   in   the   water   at   a   time.   There   are   no   hard   and   fast   rules   about   how   a   team should   organise   itself   -   some   may   like   to   swim   a   length   in   turn,   others   might   want   to   split   the   time   amongst   them.     All   we   ask   is   that inexperienced   or   out-of-condition   swimmers   do   not   exceed   their   capacity.     More   details   can   be   obtained   by   email   from   the   Swimathon Organisers HERE. The Swimathon entry form can be downloaded here, and the sponsorship form downloaded her e
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